Ability Chart


Level 1

Current Ability: Never skied before.

Level 2

Current Ability: I can link wedge turns on the beginner slope.

Level 3

Current Ability: I can comfortably link wedge turns on green runs and can ride a chairlift.

Level 4

Current Ability: I can bring my skis parallel in the middle of the turn on green runs and I am ready for more advanced green runs or blue runs.

Level 5

Current Ability: I can confidently ski parallel and control my speed with round turns on steeper green runs and blue runs.

Level 6

Current Ability: I can perform most turn techniques and shapes on difficult red runs. Ready for black runs


Level 1

Current Ability: Never snowboarded before.

Level 2

Current Ability: I am able to get up on my own, stop and sideslip on heel and toe edges on the beginner run.

Level 3

Current Ability: I can do both a simple toe edge and simple heel edge turn on green runs.

Level 4

Current Ability: I am able to make more complex turn shapes and sizes on green runs confidently.

Level 5

Current Ability: I am able to make linked turns on challenging green and blue runs.

Level 6

Current Ability: I am comfortable on most red runs. Ready for black runs